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PSHE education is a subject which enables learners to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safeand prepare for life and work in modern Britain. Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for learners.


At Prudentia, a structured PHSE programme has been put in place, where links will be made to British Values and SMSC to enhance learners learning. We cover areas such as; Equality & Diversity, Young Carers, First Aid, Prevent Training, Gun & Knife Crime, British Values and many more.


Our PSHE curriculum is designed to enhance the learner’s knowledge of important areas and develop them socially and emotionally throughout the course delivery. We allow the students to take ownership of the subject and invite their input on all topics covered. 

During the delivery of this programme, we invite in guest speakers, employment agencies and further education colleges to make students aware of any barriers or opportunities that they may have moving forward.


This subject often musters a lot of discussions and debates which crosses over well with our Functional Skills English subject. We try to embed all other subjects in PSHE when we can and the students play a massive role in making this course what it is.

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