My name is Kathryn Scully, I am the Functional Skills Math lead at Prudentia Education. Together at Prudentia, we have created an inclusive programme which challenges our students at their respective different learning levels.
The Math scheme of work has been constructed using the new Edexcel 2019 specification. Each topic that is taught provides key preparation for the exams that are held throughout the year, dependent upon the student progress and ability.
We try to embed Maths in all of our subjects. Our provision is very good at cross curricular learning and we include Maths every opportunity we can into our other core subjects; English, BTEC Sport and BTEC Workskills.
Functional skills are required for everyday life and help our learners progress to further and higher education. Our Functional Skills curriculum also provides our learners with the capabilities and knowledge required to succeed in employment.
Each lesson is constructed carefully to provide differentiation to meet the needs of each learner. Learners are stretched and challenged to allow each learner to push themselves a little more with each session they attend. Learners who may find Math difficult are offered a range of resources, depending on the amount of support they need.
We have a small teaching groups for those that need the most support, with teaching assistants allocated for group or one to one support. These teaching sessions have work set at a level that encourages progression, with appropriate targets set for each individual.
The learners play a key role in our programme and we work very hard engaging all learners with this subject. Maths is important in everyday life and is required to gain access to most colleges and employment. We have a programme that is fun, engaging and gives the learners the best possible chance to gain qualifications.