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Our Workskills qualification offers learners the opportunity to prepare themselves for post sixteen employment or education. The qualification focuses a lot on job preparation, covering areas such as; CV writing, job application forms, college applications, job searching and presentation for the workplace.


We cover different aspects of the qualification which enable learners to be able to work in a team effectively, work of their own initiative when necessary and work independently whilst meeting deadlines and targets. 


We have several different agencies who come and offer support and guidance to our learners. These agencies focus on apprenticeships and employment opportunities within the local area and beyond. We have great links with a wide range of different post sixteen colleges who often come in and offer information about potential courses for learners in our provision.


We start preparing our learners for further education or employment from the first day they arrive at Prudentia. We focus a lot on the destinations of our learners and feel we give every student the opportunity to achieve. Some take inspiration from case studies from previous learners. Being able to see first-hand what previous learners have achieved is a great motivator for the learners we have and highlights what can be achieved at Prudentia.

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