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Progress and achievement are outcomes we pride ourselves on at Prudentia Education. It is a big part of our curriculum and is focused on throughout our BTEC Workskills qualification. All students are assisted in securing post sixteen progression routes, these are identified early in students action plans which are completed for each student upon starting with us at Prudentia.


Individual learning plans (ILP) are completed every six weeks and sent home to parents to give a clear indication to how your child is progressing at Prudentia. The ILP are backed up with two parent’s evenings throughout the year, parents can meet their child’s tutors, ask any questions, and see work completed at these parents’ evenings. 


Along with ILP and parents’ evenings, Prudentia staff offer frequent progress phone calls to parents, which will report back positive behaviour and attainment of all pupil.




We like to see all pupils achieve with us at Prudentia, this can be in the form of attainment or behaviour. All our students achievement data will be available upon request by parents, it will also be shared as a collective on the website. 



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